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Reading Romances

Reading romances is one of my biggest passions! Go check my website on http://reading-romances.com

Currently reading

The Secret Life of Lady Lucinda
Sophie Barnes
Enslave (London Vampires #4)
Felicity Heaton
Alex's Angel - Natasha Blackthorne A very rich and sexy novel!

Alex and Emily share several aspects of their relationship with the first arc in this series, that is told in the two previous Carte Blanche books. The issues with who has the power in the relationship is definitely an aspect that binds the two arcs. They both struggle to understand that there needs to be balance, and accept the consequences when one’s in love.

Although this is the third book in the series it can easily be read as a stand alone.

Read the full review here: http://reading-romances.com/review-alexs-angel-by-natasha-blackthorne/